
Gewinnen Sie Einblicke in Ihren Dateispeicher mit ManageEngine File Analysis. Identifizieren, verwalten und optimieren Sie die Dateinutzung im gesamten Unternehmen.

Verwandeln Sie Ihre unstrukturierten Daten in aussagekräftige Geschäftsinformationen

Erkennen Sie schnell Sicherheitslücken in Dateien, deduplizieren Sie kritische Dateien und kontrollieren Sie das Datenwachstum mit unserer neuen Datei-Analyse-Software.

FileAnalysis ist Teil von DataSecurity Plus, einer einheitlichen Datensicherheitsplattform. Diese Datei-Analyse-Lösung bietet tiefe Einblicke für die Dateisicherheit und das Speichermanagement. Greifen Sie auf Informationen zu Dateiberechtigungen, Festplattennutzung und Speichereffizienz über Diagramme sowie vordefinierte und anpassbare Berichte zu.

Was Sie erwarten können

Einblicke in Lagerung und Sicherheit in einem Paket


Sicherstellung einer datengestützten Entscheidungsfindung mit FileAnalysis

Merkmale hervorheben

Ein Blick auf die Fila-Analyse


Bewertung des Datenrisikos

Führen Sie eine Inhaltsinspektion und eine kontextbezogene Analyse durch, um sensible Daten in Dateien zu entdecken und sie auf der Grundlage von Sicherheitsrisiken zu klassifizieren.


Schutz in der Cloud

Verfolgen Sie den Internetverkehr des Unternehmens, analysieren Sie die Nutzung von Schattenanwendungen und setzen Sie Richtlinien durch, um Mitarbeiter vor unangemessenen oder bösartigen Webinhalten zu schützen.


Datei-Analyse Verfügbare Editionen


Häufig gestellte Fragen

Was ist der Preis für die Datei-Analyse?

The Annual price for the solutions starts at$95

Also, there’s a free 30-day trial available, with no User Limit and Free  24*5 tech support

Wie richtet man eine Datei-Analyse ein?

To set up File Analysis,

The user has to undergo, domain, File Server and workgroup configurations.

To know the details, contact Kidan or visit the link.

Was sind die On-Demand-Berichte?

On-Demand Reports:

The list of on-demand reports are:

  • Effective Permissions: Shows the effective permissions of users in a selected server, share, and sublevel.
  • All Shares: Lists all the shared files and folders in a selected server with details on the share name, type, share path, and local path.
  • Open Sessions: Lists all the open user sessions in the selected server with details on the host IP, username, connected time, idle time, and several open files.
  • Open Files: Lists the files that are open at the time the report is generated.
  • Junction Points: Lists junction points in a selected server, folder, and sublevel, along with the target location.
  • Privileged Users: Lists of users with excessive privileges.
  • Orphaned Files: Lists all the files associated with programs that have been uninstalled or separated because of a computer error.
  • NTFS Permissions: This shows the security permissions of selected file shares to users.
  • Empty folders: Lists all empty folders within selected file shares or folders.

Was sind die unterstützten Plattformen für die Datei-Analyse?

File analysis can be performed across the following Microsoft Windows Server versions:

  • Windows Server 2003 R2
  • Windows Server 2008
  • Windows Server 2008 R2
  • Windows Server 2012
  • Windows Server 2012 R2
  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows Server 2019

Ist File Analysis ein eigenständiges Produkt oder wird es mit einigen anderen Produkten integriert?

ManageEngine DataSecurity Plus is unified data visibility and security platform. Data security Plus comprises of the below modules:
File Audit: Report, analyze, and alert on file accesses and modifications in real-time
File Analysis: Analyze file storage, monitor disk space usage, and examine security permissions to locate junk data and security vulnerabilities
Data Risk Assessment: Discover and classify files containing sensitive data (PII, PCI, and ePHI)
Data Leak Prevention: Detect and disrupt sensitive data leaks via endpoints (USBs, email, etc.)
Cloud Protection: Audit your organization’s web traffic to track and control the use of high-risk web applications

Wie installiere ich die Datei-Analyse?

Being the Swiss Partner of ManageEngine, Kidan is responsible for aiding with professional services, such as installing, implementing, configuring, training, and supporting the company to ensure an effective on-boarding of File Analyzer.

To make it even better, Kidan even provides advice on top of it all!

Get in touch with us to know more.

Möchten Sie die Unterhaltung fortsetzen?

Vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse an der Datei-Analyse-Lösung von ManageEngine. Bitte füllen Sie das unten stehende Formular aus, um eine Frage zu stellen oder Unterstützung anzufordern.

    We will add your info to our CRM for contacting you regarding your request. For more info please consult our Privacy Policy
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Merkmale Datei-Analyse




Gewinnen Sie Speicherkapazität zurück, indem Sie redundante, veraltete und triviale Daten (ROT) aus dem IT-Ökosystem aufspüren und bereinigen.



Verfolgen Sie das Festplattennutzungsmuster und die Verbrauchsrate, um sofortige Warnungen zu generieren, wenn der freie Speicherplatz unter ein vorkonfiguriertes Limit fällt.



Analysieren und berichten Sie über die effektiven Zugriffsrechte der Benutzer auf alle Dateien und Ordner, um den Missbrauch von Berechtigungen zu verhindern.



Identifizieren und verwalten Sie die Daten, die am anfälligsten für Sicherheitsbedrohungen sind, und verbessern Sie die Sicherheitslage des Unternehmens.



Sie können alle Dateizugriffe und -änderungen in Ihrer Dateiserver-Umgebung in Echtzeit überprüfen, überwachen, Warnmeldungen erhalten und Berichte erstellen.


Verhinderung von Datenlecks

Erkennen, stören und reagieren Sie auf sensible Datenlecks über USB-Geräte, E-Mails, Drucker und mehr durch Sicherheitsüberwachung in Echtzeit.


Häufig gestellte Fragen

Was ist der Preis für die Datei-Analyse?

The Annual price for the solutions starts at$95

Also, there’s a free 30-day trial available, with no User Limit and Free  24*5 tech support

Wie richtet man eine Datei-Analyse ein?

To set up File Analysis,

The user has to undergo, domain, File Server and workgroup configurations.

To know the details, contact Kidan or visit the link.

Was sind die On-Demand-Berichte?

On-Demand Reports:

The list of on-demand reports are:

  • Effective Permissions: Shows the effective permissions of users in a selected server, share, and sublevel.
  • All Shares: Lists all the shared files and folders in a selected server with details on the share name, type, share path, and local path.
  • Open Sessions: Lists all the open user sessions in the selected server with details on the host IP, username, connected time, idle time, and several open files.
  • Open Files: Lists the files that are open at the time the report is generated.
  • Junction Points: Lists junction points in a selected server, folder, and sublevel, along with the target location.
  • Privileged Users: Lists of users with excessive privileges.
  • Orphaned Files: Lists all the files associated with programs that have been uninstalled or separated because of a computer error.
  • NTFS Permissions: This shows the security permissions of selected file shares to users.
  • Empty folders: Lists all empty folders within selected file shares or folders.

Was sind die unterstützten Plattformen für die Datei-Analyse?

File analysis can be performed across the following Microsoft Windows Server versions:

  • Windows Server 2003 R2
  • Windows Server 2008
  • Windows Server 2008 R2
  • Windows Server 2012
  • Windows Server 2012 R2
  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows Server 2019

Ist File Analysis ein eigenständiges Produkt oder wird es mit einigen anderen Produkten integriert?

ManageEngine DataSecurity Plus is unified data visibility and security platform. Data security Plus comprises of the below modules:
File Audit: Report, analyze, and alert on file accesses and modifications in real-time
File Analysis: Analyze file storage, monitor disk space usage, and examine security permissions to locate junk data and security vulnerabilities
Data Risk Assessment: Discover and classify files containing sensitive data (PII, PCI, and ePHI)
Data Leak Prevention: Detect and disrupt sensitive data leaks via endpoints (USBs, email, etc.)
Cloud Protection: Audit your organization’s web traffic to track and control the use of high-risk web applications

Wie installiere ich die Datei-Analyse?

Being the Swiss Partner of ManageEngine, Kidan is responsible for aiding with professional services, such as installing, implementing, configuring, training, and supporting the company to ensure an effective on-boarding of File Analyzer.

To make it even better, Kidan even provides advice on top of it all!

Get in touch with us to know more.

Möchten Sie die Unterhaltung fortsetzen?

Vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse an der Datei-Analyse-Lösung von ManageEngine. Bitte füllen Sie das unten stehende Formular aus, um eine Frage zu stellen oder Unterstützung anzufordern.

    We will add your info to our CRM for contacting you regarding your request. For more info please consult our Privacy Policy
  • Dieses Feld dient zur Validierung und sollte nicht verändert werden.

FileAnalysis Professionelle Ausgabe


Häufig gestellte Fragen

Was ist der Preis für die Datei-Analyse?

The Annual price for the solutions starts at$95

Also, there’s a free 30-day trial available, with no User Limit and Free  24*5 tech support

Wie richtet man eine Datei-Analyse ein?

To set up File Analysis,

The user has to undergo, domain, File Server and workgroup configurations.

To know the details, contact Kidan or visit the link.

Was sind die On-Demand-Berichte?

On-Demand Reports:

The list of on-demand reports are:

  • Effective Permissions: Shows the effective permissions of users in a selected server, share, and sublevel.
  • All Shares: Lists all the shared files and folders in a selected server with details on the share name, type, share path, and local path.
  • Open Sessions: Lists all the open user sessions in the selected server with details on the host IP, username, connected time, idle time, and several open files.
  • Open Files: Lists the files that are open at the time the report is generated.
  • Junction Points: Lists junction points in a selected server, folder, and sublevel, along with the target location.
  • Privileged Users: Lists of users with excessive privileges.
  • Orphaned Files: Lists all the files associated with programs that have been uninstalled or separated because of a computer error.
  • NTFS Permissions: This shows the security permissions of selected file shares to users.
  • Empty folders: Lists all empty folders within selected file shares or folders.

Was sind die unterstützten Plattformen für die Datei-Analyse?

File analysis can be performed across the following Microsoft Windows Server versions:

  • Windows Server 2003 R2
  • Windows Server 2008
  • Windows Server 2008 R2
  • Windows Server 2012
  • Windows Server 2012 R2
  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows Server 2019

Ist File Analysis ein eigenständiges Produkt oder wird es mit einigen anderen Produkten integriert?

ManageEngine DataSecurity Plus is unified data visibility and security platform. Data security Plus comprises of the below modules:
File Audit: Report, analyze, and alert on file accesses and modifications in real-time
File Analysis: Analyze file storage, monitor disk space usage, and examine security permissions to locate junk data and security vulnerabilities
Data Risk Assessment: Discover and classify files containing sensitive data (PII, PCI, and ePHI)
Data Leak Prevention: Detect and disrupt sensitive data leaks via endpoints (USBs, email, etc.)
Cloud Protection: Audit your organization’s web traffic to track and control the use of high-risk web applications

Wie installiere ich die Datei-Analyse?

Being the Swiss Partner of ManageEngine, Kidan is responsible for aiding with professional services, such as installing, implementing, configuring, training, and supporting the company to ensure an effective on-boarding of File Analyzer.

To make it even better, Kidan even provides advice on top of it all!

Get in touch with us to know more.

Möchten Sie die Unterhaltung fortsetzen?

Vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse an der Datei-Analyse-Lösung von ManageEngine. Bitte füllen Sie das unten stehende Formular aus, um eine Frage zu stellen oder Unterstützung anzufordern.

    We will add your info to our CRM for contacting you regarding your request. For more info please consult our Privacy Policy
  • Dieses Feld dient zur Validierung und sollte nicht verändert werden.


Häufig gestellte Fragen

Was ist der Preis für die Datei-Analyse?

The Annual price for the solutions starts at$95

Also, there’s a free 30-day trial available, with no User Limit and Free  24*5 tech support

Wie richtet man eine Datei-Analyse ein?

To set up File Analysis,

The user has to undergo, domain, File Server and workgroup configurations.

To know the details, contact Kidan or visit the link.

Was sind die On-Demand-Berichte?

On-Demand Reports:

The list of on-demand reports are:

  • Effective Permissions: Shows the effective permissions of users in a selected server, share, and sublevel.
  • All Shares: Lists all the shared files and folders in a selected server with details on the share name, type, share path, and local path.
  • Open Sessions: Lists all the open user sessions in the selected server with details on the host IP, username, connected time, idle time, and several open files.
  • Open Files: Lists the files that are open at the time the report is generated.
  • Junction Points: Lists junction points in a selected server, folder, and sublevel, along with the target location.
  • Privileged Users: Lists of users with excessive privileges.
  • Orphaned Files: Lists all the files associated with programs that have been uninstalled or separated because of a computer error.
  • NTFS Permissions: This shows the security permissions of selected file shares to users.
  • Empty folders: Lists all empty folders within selected file shares or folders.

Was sind die unterstützten Plattformen für die Datei-Analyse?

File analysis can be performed across the following Microsoft Windows Server versions:

  • Windows Server 2003 R2
  • Windows Server 2008
  • Windows Server 2008 R2
  • Windows Server 2012
  • Windows Server 2012 R2
  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows Server 2019

Ist File Analysis ein eigenständiges Produkt oder wird es mit einigen anderen Produkten integriert?

ManageEngine DataSecurity Plus is unified data visibility and security platform. Data security Plus comprises of the below modules:
File Audit: Report, analyze, and alert on file accesses and modifications in real-time
File Analysis: Analyze file storage, monitor disk space usage, and examine security permissions to locate junk data and security vulnerabilities
Data Risk Assessment: Discover and classify files containing sensitive data (PII, PCI, and ePHI)
Data Leak Prevention: Detect and disrupt sensitive data leaks via endpoints (USBs, email, etc.)
Cloud Protection: Audit your organization’s web traffic to track and control the use of high-risk web applications

Wie installiere ich die Datei-Analyse?

Being the Swiss Partner of ManageEngine, Kidan is responsible for aiding with professional services, such as installing, implementing, configuring, training, and supporting the company to ensure an effective on-boarding of File Analyzer.

To make it even better, Kidan even provides advice on top of it all!

Get in touch with us to know more.

Möchten Sie die Unterhaltung fortsetzen?

Vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse an der Datei-Analyse-Lösung von ManageEngine. Bitte füllen Sie das unten stehende Formular aus, um eine Frage zu stellen oder Unterstützung anzufordern.

    We will add your info to our CRM for contacting you regarding your request. For more info please consult our Privacy Policy
  • Dieses Feld dient zur Validierung und sollte nicht verändert werden.



Häufig gestellte Fragen

Was ist der Preis für die Datei-Analyse?

The Annual price for the solutions starts at$95

Also, there’s a free 30-day trial available, with no User Limit and Free  24*5 tech support

Wie richtet man eine Datei-Analyse ein?

To set up File Analysis,

The user has to undergo, domain, File Server and workgroup configurations.

To know the details, contact Kidan or visit the link.

Was sind die On-Demand-Berichte?

On-Demand Reports:

The list of on-demand reports are:

  • Effective Permissions: Shows the effective permissions of users in a selected server, share, and sublevel.
  • All Shares: Lists all the shared files and folders in a selected server with details on the share name, type, share path, and local path.
  • Open Sessions: Lists all the open user sessions in the selected server with details on the host IP, username, connected time, idle time, and several open files.
  • Open Files: Lists the files that are open at the time the report is generated.
  • Junction Points: Lists junction points in a selected server, folder, and sublevel, along with the target location.
  • Privileged Users: Lists of users with excessive privileges.
  • Orphaned Files: Lists all the files associated with programs that have been uninstalled or separated because of a computer error.
  • NTFS Permissions: This shows the security permissions of selected file shares to users.
  • Empty folders: Lists all empty folders within selected file shares or folders.

Was sind die unterstützten Plattformen für die Datei-Analyse?

File analysis can be performed across the following Microsoft Windows Server versions:

  • Windows Server 2003 R2
  • Windows Server 2008
  • Windows Server 2008 R2
  • Windows Server 2012
  • Windows Server 2012 R2
  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows Server 2019

Ist File Analysis ein eigenständiges Produkt oder wird es mit einigen anderen Produkten integriert?

ManageEngine DataSecurity Plus is unified data visibility and security platform. Data security Plus comprises of the below modules:
File Audit: Report, analyze, and alert on file accesses and modifications in real-time
File Analysis: Analyze file storage, monitor disk space usage, and examine security permissions to locate junk data and security vulnerabilities
Data Risk Assessment: Discover and classify files containing sensitive data (PII, PCI, and ePHI)
Data Leak Prevention: Detect and disrupt sensitive data leaks via endpoints (USBs, email, etc.)
Cloud Protection: Audit your organization’s web traffic to track and control the use of high-risk web applications

Wie installiere ich die Datei-Analyse?

Being the Swiss Partner of ManageEngine, Kidan is responsible for aiding with professional services, such as installing, implementing, configuring, training, and supporting the company to ensure an effective on-boarding of File Analyzer.

To make it even better, Kidan even provides advice on top of it all!

Get in touch with us to know more.

Möchten Sie die Unterhaltung fortsetzen?

Vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse an der Datei-Analyse-Lösung von ManageEngine. Bitte füllen Sie das unten stehende Formular aus, um eine Frage zu stellen oder Unterstützung anzufordern.

    We will add your info to our CRM for contacting you regarding your request. For more info please consult our Privacy Policy
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Füllen Sie das Formular aus, um ein individuelles Angebot zu erhalten, das Ihren Anforderungen am besten entspricht.

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Wie können wir Ihnen helfen?

Kundenservice und Support

Wir schätzen und glauben an die Beziehungen, die wir mit unseren Kunden haben, da sie der wichtigste Teil unserer Organisation sind.


Kidan provides customer service and support via email. To contact our support teams,  please feel free to send us an email to the below addresses:

Call us

A telephone hotline is available to our customers to receive immediate support and advise during business hours and days :

Telephone: +41 22 519 64 01
Business days: Monday – Friday
Business hours: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (Swiss time)

Live Chat

We also provide a live chat to ensure you get a quick response. You can reach us through our live chat widget on the bottom right of your screen. The availability of our chat support is:

  • Monday – Friday
  • 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Swiss Time


Häufig gestellte Fragen

Was ist der Preis für die Datei-Analyse?

The Annual price for the solutions starts at$95

Also, there’s a free 30-day trial available, with no User Limit and Free  24*5 tech support

Wie richtet man eine Datei-Analyse ein?

To set up File Analysis,

The user has to undergo, domain, File Server and workgroup configurations.

To know the details, contact Kidan or visit the link.

Was sind die On-Demand-Berichte?

On-Demand Reports:

The list of on-demand reports are:

  • Effective Permissions: Shows the effective permissions of users in a selected server, share, and sublevel.
  • All Shares: Lists all the shared files and folders in a selected server with details on the share name, type, share path, and local path.
  • Open Sessions: Lists all the open user sessions in the selected server with details on the host IP, username, connected time, idle time, and several open files.
  • Open Files: Lists the files that are open at the time the report is generated.
  • Junction Points: Lists junction points in a selected server, folder, and sublevel, along with the target location.
  • Privileged Users: Lists of users with excessive privileges.
  • Orphaned Files: Lists all the files associated with programs that have been uninstalled or separated because of a computer error.
  • NTFS Permissions: This shows the security permissions of selected file shares to users.
  • Empty folders: Lists all empty folders within selected file shares or folders.

Was sind die unterstützten Plattformen für die Datei-Analyse?

File analysis can be performed across the following Microsoft Windows Server versions:

  • Windows Server 2003 R2
  • Windows Server 2008
  • Windows Server 2008 R2
  • Windows Server 2012
  • Windows Server 2012 R2
  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows Server 2019

Ist File Analysis ein eigenständiges Produkt oder wird es mit einigen anderen Produkten integriert?

ManageEngine DataSecurity Plus is unified data visibility and security platform. Data security Plus comprises of the below modules:
File Audit: Report, analyze, and alert on file accesses and modifications in real-time
File Analysis: Analyze file storage, monitor disk space usage, and examine security permissions to locate junk data and security vulnerabilities
Data Risk Assessment: Discover and classify files containing sensitive data (PII, PCI, and ePHI)
Data Leak Prevention: Detect and disrupt sensitive data leaks via endpoints (USBs, email, etc.)
Cloud Protection: Audit your organization’s web traffic to track and control the use of high-risk web applications

Wie installiere ich die Datei-Analyse?

Being the Swiss Partner of ManageEngine, Kidan is responsible for aiding with professional services, such as installing, implementing, configuring, training, and supporting the company to ensure an effective on-boarding of File Analyzer.

To make it even better, Kidan even provides advice on top of it all!

Get in touch with us to know more.

Möchten Sie die Unterhaltung fortsetzen?

Vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse an der Datei-Analyse-Lösung von ManageEngine. Bitte füllen Sie das unten stehende Formular aus, um eine Frage zu stellen oder Unterstützung anzufordern.

    We will add your info to our CRM for contacting you regarding your request. For more info please consult our Privacy Policy
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